Online Psychometric Testing
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Guide to SHL OPQ32
The SHL OPQ, Occupational Personality Questionnaire range provides an indication of the candidate’s perception of their preferred behavioural style at work and likely performance against important job competencies.
Importantly, the information provided here is specifically written for the OPQ32i, designed for managerial and professional roles.
For any questions around the Sales Report, Customer Contact Styles or Work Styles version of the OPQ, please contact KSL Training or SHL directly.
The OPQ32i, Occupational Personality Questionnaire measures a candidate’s behaviour, preferences and attitudes in relation to different aspects of their working life. Since it is based on their own level of self-awareness, we recommend exploring the results with the candidate, either at a selection interview, or development coaching session.
Within a recruitment and selection context, the SHL OPQ provides useful insights into the interviewee’s behavioural preferences. In particular, this can help ascertain their potential suitability for a specific job role, as well as the organisation’s culture. Also, in a development context, the OPQ enables you and the employee to identify potential strengths and areas for professional development.
As this is a questionnaire has no right or wrong answer, the candidate is not timed. However, to ensure the most accurate self assessment, candidates should be encouraged to work at a quick pace and not reflect too long on each question. As a result, the candidate should take between 45 to 60 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
In summary, the questionnaire presents the candidate with 100 questions; each offering four statements of behaviour. They then need to choose which is ‘most like’ and ‘least like’ them at work. These behaviour statements are repeated throughout the questionnaire. Consequently, this helps the candidate establish their true strength of preferred behaviour when working with others, their thinking style and their feelings and emotions whilst at work.
In addition, the questionnaire also measures how consistently the candidate has responded to the statements presented.
There are different derivatives of the SHL OPQ such as the Customer Contact Styles and Work Styles Questionnaires that you may be asked to take dependent upon your occupation. However, the preparation tips are still relevant regardless of the version you are taking.

Need help? contact us for example SHL OPQ32 reports.
About the Author
, MCIPD is Company Founder of KSL Training. Kim has 30 years training and HR management experience in the Retail, Hospitality and Pharmaceutical industry.
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