Wellbeing Training

Improve employee performance, resilience and morale with our virtual wellbeing courses

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Wellbeing Zen Garden

Wellbeing Course

Improve energy, focus and team performance by raising psychological wellbeing.

A comprehensive Wellbeing Training Course, split into four half-day modules covering all aspects of physical and emotional wellbeing. Run face-to-face or as ‘bite-size’ virtual training for remote teams.

To optimise and lift team energy levels and therefore support investments already made in new processes and ways of working.

At an individual level, this wellbeing training helps employees identify and focus on their personal opportunities for lifting their wellbeing at work for improved performance.

At a group level, the programme can help teams establish a new culture of collective wellbeing through the formation and support of team-wide new healthy habits.

The Wellbeing Course contains four modules (Body, Mind, Heart and Purpose). Each module has 3 main points of focus with scientifically proven techniques that will improve participants personal and group wellbeing, as well as performance, when converted into positive habits.

See course overview

The KSL Wellbeing Course is ideal for all employees regardless of level or role. It is best delivered in complete business units or departments to build mutual understanding of health and wellness and to support embedding through new team ways of working.

Participants for the Wellbeing training may already have declared a need for extra resilience support or could simply be those looking to fine tune their resourcefulness to deal with challenges ahead. It is recommended that team managers or leaders support by attending and contributing to the commitments made towards individual and collective healthy high performance.

Course objectives

By the end of the 4-module Wellbeing Programme, participants will be able to articulate how personal and team wellbeing supports or hinders performance at work.

All participants will have made commitments to building new habits for their own physical energy, mental focus, sense of belonging & meaning and that of their teams.

  • In the Body Module, participants articulate their own chosen new habits around sleep, exercise and diet and create team charters for sticking to their commitments
  • Then, during the Mind Module, participants practice new ways to proactively maintain their mental wellness and agree internal ways of working to support this mindset
  • Within the Heart Module, participants then develop approaches to be more inclusive and connected to their colleagues, family and friends
  • Finally in the Purpose Module, participants gain a greater sense of meaning by connecting their own sense of purpose and values to their team and organisation

See course overview

Module Overview: Body

Introduction to the Wellbeing Course

  • The importance of wellbeing today
  • How wellbeing supports resilience & performance
  • The modular programme approach

The role of Movement in supporting performance

  • The physiological science & links to mental wellness
  • The workplace approaches that can be adopted

The role of Nutrition in supporting performance

  • The neuroscience behind a healthy diet
  • Unhealthy eating and drinking & effective workplace swaps

The role of Sleep in supporting performance

  • The science and benefits of being well-rested
  • How to improve sleep hygiene

New habits

  • The drivers behind the formation of new habits
  • Commitments as individuals/teams
Module Overview: Mind

Re-introduction to the Wellbeing Course, with a focus on the Mind

  • Review of impact from Module 1
  • The importance of mental wellness and resilience
  • How stress affects workplace performance

Mental wellness approaches

  • The value of talking & listening
  • Institutions, charities and existing workplace support systems

The importance of being present & learning mindset for performance

  • Manging distractions & the myth of multitasking
  • Why working on your learnability is good for wellbeing

Mindfulness to train the attention muscles

  • The science behind mindfulness
  • An experience of mindfulness training

New habits

  • More ideas to support the formation of new habits
  • Commitments as individuals/teams
Module Overview: Heart

Re-introduction to the Wellbeing Course, with a focus on the Heart

  • Review of impact from previous modules
  • The importance of feeling valued in today’s world & workplace
  • The neuroscience and impact of exclusion
  • How to build a sense of belonging

The role of unconscious bias in performance

  • The value of diversity
  • An appreciation of the biases which may be driving us
  • Actions to mitigate bias

What powers happiness

  • The neuroscience behind contentment & fulfilment
  • The practice of gratitude
  • Establishing a positive calendar

New habits

  • More ideas to support the formation of new habits
  • Commitments as individuals/teams
Module Overview: Purpose

Re-introduction to the Wellbeing Course, with a focus on Purpose

  • Review of impact from pervious modules
  • The science of finding meaning through Purpose at work
  • Why engagement increases through Purpose

The restorative effective of contributing to something bigger than ourselves

  • Giving back in action
  • The power of volunteering in activating passion

Eliciting & aligning values with work

  • What values are and their fundamental impact
  • Eliciting individual values and determining what, ‘I stand for’
  • Expressing values & connecting them to the workplace

New habits

  • Final ideas to support the formation of new habits
  • Final commitments from all modules as individuals/teams

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