Building Resilience Training

Practical training for building resilience in customer-facing staff

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Conflict and Resilience Course

Learn techniques for effectively managing customer conflict, as well as building resilience.

A practical one-day course which develops skills for customer conflict management. It also includes building resilience training for customer-facing staff.

To introduce practical conflict resolution and personal resilience techniques and strategies that team members can effectively utilise, when managing customer conflict situations in the workplace.

We also offer a separate one-day conflict resolution course for managers and team leaders.

See course overview

This conflict and resilience training equips staff in customer-facing roles with the skills, knowledge and confidence to effectively respond to customer conflict, including aggressive or intimidating behaviour. The course is suitable for face-to-face or telephone based customer service or sales staff.

Course objectives

By the end of this one-day training course, the participants will have:

  • Defined confrontation and their role in preventing and managing conflict in the workplace.
  • Recognised their preferred approach when faced with conflict and adopt alternative strategies to resolve it.
  • Understood the relationship between thoughts and behaviours and managed their thoughts to remain positive and confident.
  • Demonstrated how to handle challenging customer situations in a positive, assertive and empathetic manner.
  • Developed their own toolkit for managing stress and maintaining resilience.

See course overview

Thomas Kilmann conflict styles

  • Understanding different styles and responses to conflict
  • Recognising your own preferred way of dealing with conflict
  • Identifying the impact of different conflict styles
  • Presentation, individual questionnaire and reflection, small group exercise and review

Understanding and managing thoughts and beliefs

  • Beliefs and behaviours
  • Self-talk
  • Applying to conflict, confidence and stress
  • Facilitator tips, discussion with practical exercise

Preventing and managing conflict

  • Controlling the challenging customer situations with assertiveness and empathy
  • Demonstration, facilitator tips and practice sessions

Developing a stress and resilience toolkit

  • An introduction to stress awareness
  • Review of current coping strategies and sharing best practice
  • Techniques to use before, during and after the customer conversation
  • Team support and positivity – maintaining a positive atmosphere while working in a negative ‘environment’

Practice sessions

  • Testing out the use of current and new strategies
  • Practice sessions in pairs or trios, facilitated group review

Action planning and reflection

  • Review of learning and action planning, course feedback
  • Individual reflection and action planning exercise, facilitated group review

The training will be supported with:

  • An optional participant pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading to prepare for the training
  • A colour printed workbook with tips, techniques and space for personal notes

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Testimonials from previous attendees


Complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly, or phone between 9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

If you prefer, you can email us your enquiry.

    Minimum No. of Course Participants is 3, read why

    Course Type*