High Performing Teams Training

Improve team performance with this enlightening one-day course

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High Performance Team Course

Build high performing teams in your organisation.

Raise team motivation and performance levels to achieve your business goals, with our building high performance teams course. Run in-house at your company offices.

The high performance teams course is designed to help managers and team leaders develop the knowledge and skills to create and maintain a high performing team.

We will utilise the Belbin Team Roles model and self perception inventory to raise self awareness of participant’s preferred team role within a team, as well as the other behavioural characteristics that need to be present to achieve a high performing team.

Participants will also learn techniques that will engage and inspire their teams to achieve a higher level of team performance and synergy.

See course overview

For those who are new to leadership positions or need to raise the performance and synergy of their team.

Course objectives

By the end of the high performance team training, the participants will have:

  • Identified strategies to manage the different behavioural roles people take within a team and ways to improve team dynamics
  • Established personal strategies and actions that will build and maintain a high performing team
  • Communicated their own team vision in an engaging way to encourage team member “buy in”

See course overview

Characteristics of high performance teams

  • Defining a team
  • Stages of group development
  • Group exercise ‘shapes’ and review, facilitator presentation, small group and individual exercise

Achieving high performing team dynamics

  • Introduction to Belbin Team Roles
  • Characteristics and functions of each Team Role
  • Review of own preferred Team Roles
  • Facilitator presentation and group discussion, small group activity, individual review of own Self Perception Inventory report
  • Building a high performance team case study
  • Motivating employees
  • Giving feedback
  • Team role dynamics within own team
  • Small group exercise reviewing case study and group presentation and discussion, individual reflective exercise with co-coaching

Creating a high team performance management culture

  • Nine steps to leading high performing teams
  • Improving own team performance management
  • Activity, review performance guide to Leading High Performing Teams, individual exercise and co-coaching

Creating a compelling vision

  • Steps to creating a compelling vision
  • Tips on conveying your vision
  • Short facilitator presentation, individual visioning activity followed by presentation and feedback in small groups

Adapting your leadership style

  • Review of leadership styles and when to use
  • Adapting to each person and situation
  • Group discussion, presentation, paired exercise, individual reflective exercise

Next steps

  • Review of learning and action planning

The high performing team training will be supported with:

  • An optional participant pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading
  • A colour printed workbook with tips, techniques and space for personal notes

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Complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly, or phone between 9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

If you prefer, you can email us your enquiry.

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