Delegation Training
Learn effective delegation to improve workplace productivity. A one-day course for managers

How to Delegate Work
When it comes to delegating tasks or projects to others, there are some key stages needed to achieve the desired results. Consideration must also be given to developing and motivating the people around you.
Here are some practical tips on how to to delegate work, aimed at improving your delegation skills and confidence:
1. Be clear why you are delegating the work
Consider whether your motivation to delegate the task is fair and worthy. Great reasons for delegating work include:
- It allows you to concentrate on higher level tasks
- The work acts as a platform for development
- Raising the individual’s profile within the organisation
Ask yourself whether you are prepared for someone else to undertake the work in a different way to yourself and whether you will be able to stand back to allow the person to learn how to undertake the piece of work?

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2. Consider the required attributes for the work and review all suitable candidates
Having identified the core skills, knowledge and attitude needed for the effective execution of the task or project, select the most suitable candidate for undertaking the delegated work. Use a fair selection method.
For example, base your judgement either on ability, moderate risk development opportunity (potentially requiring additional support), or recognition of providing variety and interest to team members.
3. Convey your reasons for delegating the work to the person
Explain clearly your thought process for selecting the individual, the reason for delegating the work itself, and the benefits to the person. This will help to ensure that they will be engaged in completing the task or project.
4. Explain what needs to be done and your expectations
Provide the context/background to the work, as well as what specifically needs to be done, with clearly defined outcomes. Also give expected time-frames and the reasons for them.
5. Agree timetable and format for progress reviews
Ensure you have both agreed the frequency of reviews during the completion of the delegated work, as well as the best method of review. For example, you may hold intermittent face to face reviews with telephone updates, if you are managing an individual remotely.
Make sure you provide constructive and motivational feedback. The individual needs to be clear on how well they are progressing and what they need to do differently to get an enhanced result.
6. Set clear boundaries
Establishing clear boundaries will ensure that the person delegated to will be clear on their authority levels and when they should refer back to you or others for decision making at a higher level.
7. Clarify the resources and support available
Effective delegation also relies on ensuring the person being delegated the work knows how to contact the key stakeholders. They need a clear and easy route to get support and guidance when needed.
8. Check that the person feels capable
Once you have fully briefed the person you are delegating the work to, check their understanding of the task, what is expected of them and confirm that they have the skills and resources to successfully achieve the task. Tell them that you have full confidence in them to achieve the desired outcomes.
9. Communicate new role to others
In preparation for handing over the piece of work, inform the key contacts to whom you have delegated the work so that the key stakeholders know who to contact.
10. Plan how to recognise and reward success, effort and learning
Carefully consider how you will recognise the person’s efforts and success in completing the delegated piece of work. They must feel credited for their efforts and motivated to take on board other tasks and projects in the future.
Conduct a review of the work they have undertaken to establish what has worked well and what they would do differently next time. In addition, ask them how they intend to apply their new skills and knowledge. This ensures continuous learning and development for them, whilst you gain valuable feedback on your delegation skills.
About the Author
, MCIPD is Company Founder of KSL Training. Kim has 30 years training and HR management experience in the Retail, Hospitality and Pharmaceutical industry.
Delegation skills training
- Available across the UK
- Tailored to your needs
- One-day course
- Cost effective