Remote Working Training

Virtual training for remote working teams to promote effective home working

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Home working in a virtual team

Working in a Virtual or Hybrid Team

Module 1: Working Productively From Home

As organisations keep many of their staff working from home or return them to the workplace on a rota system, some people are wondering how they will continue to stay productive with these changes.

Barriers to productive working remain numerous, from interruptions from flat mates and family members, to balancing work with home life, shifting between home and the workplace, perhaps even sharing IT equipment with a partner, through to lack of energy due to solitude and lost motivation.

Yet people have been hugely productive in home offices for years. But how do they do it? In this course, you’ll learn the techniques used by dispersed staff members to be productive, and to even take advantage of not being in an office environment, in order to achieve more whatever the situation.

Course Objectives

This course will:

  • Show you how to ensure the work you’re doing is actually bringing value to the organisation
  • Help you to work around the inevitable distractions which exist in the home environment
  • Manage interruptions from your colleagues, who might not have any appreciation of what you’re going through at a particular moment in time
  • Manage your day effectively to ensure you can get maximum results from the time available

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 2: Your Wellbeing Matters Programme

Your Wellbeing Matters is a virtual 100-minute session, made available by KSL to support clients who want to provide employee wellbeing resources in these unprecedented times.

This virtual experience takes small groups of employees into a safe and welcoming space to collaboratively acknowledge their helpful and destabilising reactions to the current situation.

Creative stimulus and proven techniques allow participants to boost their own resourcefulness and raise their own wellbeing through the lenses of Mind, Body, Heart and Purpose.

Your Wellbeing Matters gives participants personal clarity and practical options on how they can ‘weather the current storm’ and ‘drop an anchor’ of stability for themselves, their colleagues and loved ones.

We draw from a number of bodies of thought to provide this course:

  • The Foundations of Positive Psychology
  • Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
  • The Four Energies of Holistic Health
  • Principles of Acceptance & Commitment Techniques

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Feel more supported by their employer in this time of crisis
  • Develop a greater appreciation of their holistic mind/body system
  • Create their own resources for supporting their wellbeing now
  • Acknowledge their resilience-undermining and resilience-enhancing thoughts and feelings
  • Be able to improve the fundamentals of their physical vitality
  • Identify how to optimise their social support networks
  • Explore and action their drivers to create personal meaning

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Day: Up to 3 sessions per day can be scheduled

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)

N.B. Once all virtual team courses are complete, the facilitator can also provide anonymised collective feedback as a wellbeing ‘temperature check’ to the sponsoring client, should this be something that you think your organisation would benefit from; something we can discuss further with you.

See Pricing (PDF)

Module 3: Communicating in Colour

Working virtually brings new challenges in how we communicate, work alongside and influence our colleagues and internal and external stakeholders. This interactive workshop will provide each team member with an appreciation of their own and others communication preferences. It will help each individual identify how to increase their effectiveness in engaging with those with different styles of communication, especially important at times of change, uncertainty and remote working practices.

A pre-module questionnaire helps to identify each team member’s communication preferences. During the module, we overlay these preferences onto four colours, making them memorable and accessible.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will have:

  • Determined their own preferred way of communicating and engaging with others
  • Gained insights into how their colleagues prefer to communicate and make decisions
  • Identified how our communication preferences may influence our overall team interactions and appreciate the impact of change and virtual working on these

Duration for Full Programme: To meet your brief

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 4: The Art of Communication

Communication is something that all of us do every day of our lives, so you’d think that we would all be experts at it?

Just like any skill or talent, it has to be worked on and there is no substitute for practice and experience. Understanding the reasons why we are not always effective in our communication – whether face-to-face, in writing, on video or telephone calls and conferences – helps us to reduce the pain and frustration that can be experienced, both for ourselves and those around us.

It takes time, effort and commitment to develop a range of effective communication techniques to maximise how we communicate with others, build stronger relationships and deliver better results.

‘Communication’ is a huge umbrella term for a multitude of tangible and practical elements. We focus on the key skills during this module, such as effective questioning, active listening and connecting through rapport.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Consider what effective communication is
  • Understand the different behavioural types that influence how we communicate
  • Have a toolkit of techniques to effectively question, listen and build rapport through communication
  • Demonstrate ways to communicate your message effectively using body language, tone of voice and words

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 5: Building Your Resilience and ‘Bounce-back-ability’

Resilience is often referred to as ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties’ or ‘the ability to spring back into shape’.

The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on us to deplete our levels of resilience. We get used to it. It starts to feel familiar – even normal. We don’t notice how much it’s affecting us, even as it takes a heavy toll.

Now more than ever, teams may well be appearing to cope with the ‘new normal’, when in fact they might be struggling. Many organisations wait until stress has taken hold before offering development that, if provided too late, can act as only a sticking plaster.

In this module we work together to identify whether the resilience we have is through nature or nurture. A pre-module questionnaire encourages people to reflect on their personal resilience levels before debating opportunities during the module to build our ‘bounce-back-ability’.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Understand what resilience is and where it comes from
  • Consider stressors and current healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Take stock of personal resilience levels
  • Identify resilience thresholds
  • Take control of personal resilience to identify opportunities for development
  • Reflect on ten ways to build resilience and identify areas of action

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 6: Mindset Management – Managing our ‘Mindset Demons’

‘Fit your own mask before helping others’.

In these ever-changing times, mindset management is as vital as it has ever been. By this stage in our lives, we’ve all had decades of experiences and influences that has made us who we are. For many of us, this also means that we have our often negative triggers and reactions that happen in a split second and without us even realising it.

A team who are developed in nurturing a positive and proactive mindset look after themselves and look out for each other. Suddenly, conclusions aren’t jumped to, previously negative and destructive thought patterns are more powerfully managed and the team learn to focus on what they can control and influence.

Provide some powerful mindset development and give your teams a check-up from the neck-up!

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Have an appreciation of how our brain does its best to help us, often with the opposite impact
  • Understand the importance of switching off our ‘auto-pilot’ mode in terms of our automatic thought, feeling and behavioural reactions and triggers
  • Begin to revise previously negative thought patterns
  • Work towards developing a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset
  • Demonstrate the power of positive affirmations to quieten our inner critic and manage Imposter Syndrome

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 7: Influencing & Persuading

Today’s virtual teams must still influence each other and their stakeholders. Whether that’s one-to-one, in a virtual group setting or with people at different levels, the ideas will only be as valuable as the team’s ability to persuade others to take action.

A powerful skillset in any business is being able to view a situation from a variety of perspectives, understanding whilst not necessarily agreeing, and then working together to achieve the desired outcome.

During this module we practice core influencing skills which lead to a win-win outcome and honest, open and respectful communication.

This focus develops the ability to successfully collaborate with others at different levels, demonstrating a positive impact through a strong personal brand as a powerful and confident communicator.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Develop effective influencing skills in a variety of situations
  • Consider how others may currently view their personal impact and style of influencing
  • Improve their ability to overcome resistance in others
  • Leverage current strengths and opportunities for development to define actions that will create greater and more effective influencing impact

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 8: Confidently Managing Conflict

Conflict within teams can go unmanaged and unresolved at the best of times. Factor in the distance between a virtual team and the same can be said and magnified.

Just because a team may not be physically together, don’t make the mistake in thinking conflict will be eliminated. There will still be differing agendas, competition and personalities at play, to name but a few factors.

A truly effective virtual team takes responsibility for identifying the best ways to work together whilst harnessing conflict so that it can have a healthy rather than a festering, destructive impact.

In this module we look at what leads to conflict within a team, take stock of personal resolution strategies and focus on techniques that help us to have the potentially difficult conversations that still need to be had, albeit virtually.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Reframe conflict as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and collaborate on creative solutions
  • Reflect on the pressures that can lead to unhealthy conflict
  • Identify their natural style of conflict management
  • Consider the fie styles of handling conflict and how to assess and respond depending on the situation
  • Increase confidence and assertiveness in handling challenging situations and conversations

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 9: Understanding Change in a VUCA World

The world we live in is often a confusing place that moves at pace and in ways that are unpredictable – frequently termed as a VUCA environment. This means that we are facing more than ever in our lives, Volatility – increasing rate of change, Uncertainty – less clarity about the future, Complexity – multiplicity of decision factors and Ambiguity – there is often more than one ‘answer’.

This module also forms a comprehensive change management programme where of a series of three (individual, management & leadership) modules considers how to address change in a VUCA World from different perspectives.
Course Objectives

This course is for individuals and managers to help them understand:

  • What change is in a VUCA world
  • What to expect from change
  • How change impacts on us as individuals; and
  • How we can successfully manage change in ourselves

Course Agenda

  • Understanding change – why it’s challenging
  • Transition Curve
  • The 6 F’s of negatively perceived change; and
  • Successful self management of change strategies

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)
See Pricing (PDF)

Module 10: Influencing Change in a VUCA* World

Having attended our bite size module on Understanding Change in a VUCA* World, this module provides insights and influencing techniques to help you bring others through our changing, confusing and unpredictable world. Ideal for project managers and specialists who need some support in embedding change in to the organisation without line management authority.

This programme is one of a series of four modules (individual, management, leadership and professional) considering how to address change in a VUCA* World from different perspectives.

Course Objectives

This course is for professionals to help them influence and champion change without line management authority to:

  • Develop a push / pull approach that both helps people to understand why change is required and create an exciting vision for the future
  • Understand the key principles involved when influencing change without necessarily having ‘authority’
  • Reflect on your approach to how you are managing your stakeholders through change

Course Agenda

  • Setting the context for change in a VUCA* world
  • Creating a compelling reason for change
  • Clear vision and objectives for change
  • Influencing without authority
  • Influencing stakeholders through change

VUCA definition*: Volatility – increasing rate of change, Uncertainty – less clarity about the future, Complexity – multiplicity of decision factors and Ambiguity – there is often more than one ‘answer’.

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 3 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)

See Pricing (PDF)

Module 11: Emotional Intelligence for Individuals

A range of studies have shown that there is a highly significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Occupational Performance. Approximately 30% of Occupational Performance is based on EI and it is one of the most sought after skills in the workplace – but what exactly is it?

This course will enable you to understand EI in a comprehensive and holistic way by looking how each component links to who we are and how we behave. Not only will you go on a journey of discovery about the concept of EI, but you will learn more about yourself and be able to develop practical skills to benefit both your personal and professional life. The course explores how we perceive ourselves, express ourselves, develop & maintain relationships, as well as how we make decisions and manage stress.

Course Objectives

This course is for individuals to help them understand:

  • The Self Perception Realm
  • The Self Expression Realm
  • The Interpersonal Realm
  • The Decision Making Realm; and
  • The Stress Management Realm

Course Agenda

  • Self Awareness
  • Emotional Expression
  • Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
  • Problem Solving; and
  • Stress Tolerance for individuals

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 x 3 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 8

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)

See Pricing (PDF)

Module 12: Resilient Customer Service

KSL’s Resilient Customer Service Course enables front line team members to hold challenging customer conversations in a professional, assertive manner whilst maintaining their personal resilience throughout the day.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will have:

  • Adopted a consistent, professional style when speaking with customers on the telephone or face to face
  • Listened effectively, asked questions and summarised to respond fully to a customer request
  • Recognised your preferred approach when faced with conflict and adopt alternative strategies to resolve it
  • Demonstrated how to handle challenging situations in a positive, assertive and empathetic manner
  • Developed your own toolkit for managing stress and maintaining resilience

Course Agenda

  • Communication
  • Listening skills
  • Questioning technique
  • Current strategies for handling conflict
  • Conflict styles
  • Dealing with difficult behaviours assertively
  • Using positive language
  • Managing stress and developing resilience
  • Review of learning and course feedback

Duration for “Bite Size” Session: 2 x 3 hours

Participant Group Size: 2 – 10

Virtual Meeting Platform: Zoom (other options available)

See Pricing (PDF)


Complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch shortly, or phone between 9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

If you prefer, you can email us your enquiry.

    Minimum No. of Course Participants is 3, read why